Be-bye 2020 ... (finally?!?)
Hello 2021!
2021 in color
Did you know that almost every difficult period in the history of mankind is followed by a slightly more frivolous period? We only have to think of the Roaring Twenties, the Babyboom ... If the trend continues and if all goes well, 2021 will be light!
It all started with the announcement of the (or should we say) Pantone of the year 2021. For those who are not in the know, there are 2 completely opposite colors this year: Ultimate Gray and Illuminating. A pale gray and a vibrant lemon yellow. Do you see the sun 2021 behind the clouds of 2020? We do !!
Did you know that we have our own very Illuminating yellow Plog-it? As well as a gray Plog-it that looks very Ultimate?? Well yes, we were planning the same!
In addition to these two colors of the year, which will surely be everywhere in the months to come, we have already forecast for several months a major green trend for 2021! Already in October, Benjamin Morre declared the color Antique Green, a superb teal, like their 2021 color. Very soothing, the use of this color will create a harmonious and soft decor. On the Sico side, we unveiled a superb Turquoise, Blue Warbler, as the color of the year 2021. Once again, just sweetness.
On our side, our products are not lacking in green options to help you incorporate this trend into your decor!
Whether you feel yellow, gray or green, we really hope that the year 2021 will be a very sweet year for you, and that we can all together forget the previous one.
Happy New Year!